
Microsoft has been working on a new project codenamed CorePC that seeks to modernize the Windows platform using many of the innovations initially intended for Windows Core OS. With CorePC, Microsoft aims to compete not only with Chromebooks but also with Apple. This blog will discuss Microsoft’s plan to modernize the Windows platform with CorePC for Windows 12 and how it will shape the future of Windows and the broader PC landscape.

What is CorePC and How Does it Differ from Windows 11?

CorePC is a modular and customizable variant of Windows that can adapt to various form factors such as foldable devices or those with dual screens.CorePC emphasizes modularity and allows for the configuration of “editions” of Windows with varying levels of functionality and app compatibility.CorePC differs from Windows 11 with state separation, which enables faster updates and a more secure platform through read-only partitions that are inaccessible to users and third-party apps.

Microsoft’s Objective: Competing with Chromebooks

Microsoft is testing a version of Windows that exclusively runs Edge, Web apps, Android apps (via Project Latte), and Office apps specifically designed for low-end educational PCs. This iteration is reportedly 60-75% smaller than Windows 11 SE. Microsoft is also developing a compatibility layer called Neon for legacy apps that require a shared state OS to function.

The Role of AI in Windows 12

AI has become an integral component of Windows, and enhancing its integration is a primary objective for the platform in 2024. Potential applications include allowing Windows to analyze displayed content and provide contextual prompts to initiate projects or apps automatically.Windows may also be able to identify objects and text within images, enabling users to easily cut and paste those items elsewhere.

Windows 12: Leaks and Experiments with New Features

Recent builds for Windows Insider users show new visual treatments for Search in the Taskbar and notification badges for the weather widget. Microsoft is also testing a smart feature for quicker task completion. Satya Nadella revealed a new UI prototype at Microsoft Ignite 2022, which may be part of the official Windows 12 release. Windows 12 is being designed for both touch and mouse and keyboard interaction, and Microsoft is separating the desktop from explorer.exe.


With CorePC, Microsoft aims to modernize the Windows platform and address the needs of a diverse range of devices while leveraging AI to enhance user experiences. While we have no official confirmation of Windows 12’s existence from Microsoft, leaks and experiments with new features suggest that Microsoft is indeed working on a new version of Windows. As development continues, it will be interesting to see how CorePC shapes the future of Windows and the broader PC landscape.

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