WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging app owned by Meta, has announced a new feature that allows users to transfer their entire chat history from Android to iOS and vice-versa. The feature was initially announced last year during the Galaxy Unpacked event and has now been made available to a wider user base after a beta testing phase. This move is expected to make it easier for users to switch between different operating systems without losing their chat history.
How to Transfer Chat History Between Android and iOS Devices
To transfer chat history between Android and iOS devices, users need to follow a few simple steps. First, the Android device should be on Android 5 or higher and the iOS device should have iOS 15.5 or above installed. Both devices need to be connected to the same Wi-Fi network and should be connected to a power source during the migration. Users also need to install the Move to iOS app on their Android phone and WhatsApp iOS version or above on their new device.
The transfer process involves opening the Move to iOS app on the Android phone, entering the code displayed on the iPhone, selecting WhatsApp on the Transfer Data screen, and following the on-screen prompts. Once WhatsApp prepares the data for export, users need to tap Next to return to the Move to iOS app and continue the transfer process. After completing the transfer, users can install the latest version of WhatsApp from the App Store, log in using the same phone number used on their old device, and allow the process to complete.
Things to Keep in Mind
Before transferring chat history, users should ensure that their Android device has Android 5 or above installed and their iOS device has iOS 15.5 or above installed. They also need to install the Move to iOS app on their Android phone and WhatsApp iOS version or above on their new device. Additionally, both devices need to be connected to a power source and the same Wi-Fi network. Users must use the same phone number as their old phone on their new device and ensure that their iPhone is factory new or reset to factory settings to pair with the Move to iOS app.
WhatsApp’s new cross-platform chat history transfer feature is a significant development for users who frequently switch between Android and iOS devices. The feature is expected to make the migration process smoother and reduce the likelihood of losing valuable chat history. By following the simple steps outlined above and keeping in mind the essential factors, users can easily transfer their chat history between devices.
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